Introducing the departments of Safir Danesh Academy

Learn the best skills
Education is one of the biggest investments anyone should make in life.

Valid certificates at the end of the course
Valid certificates at the end of the course
You can receive an international certificate by participating in the training courses of this center.

Enter the market
Skill training and prepare as a professional workforce. Strengthening these skills will reduce your anxiety.

Interaction with the teacher
Communication with the teacher is one of the most important issues that art students face and is the foundation for future success. 

The best features of Safir Danesh Academy

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Project oriented and practical
Intelligence training courses and creative children

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Project oriented and practical
Intelligence training courses and creative children

Safir Danesh Cultural and Educational Academy has started its activity with the mission of improving the cultural and educational level.
Language Department
Children's boarding house
Art classes
Robotics and abacus class
Reinforcement classes
The English language department organizes its courses in the age group of children, teenagers and adults based on the current teaching methods and books.

About the Ambassador of Science Educational Academy

Educational books for children, New Big Fun three-volume set
Educational books for teenagers, Big English six-volume set
Teen2Teen four-volume educational books
The educational books for the adult course are the six-volume speak out series.

This complex is equipped with the most modern educational equipment such as smart boards, laptops, LED TV and unique interactive educational software.
Classes are held in groups, private and semi-private.
Group language classes for teenagers and adults are held two days a week for 90 minutes.
Children's group language classes are also held two days a week for 75 minutes.
This group organizes IELTS courses and other foreign languages including Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Korean.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out about the latest training

Find out about the latest discounts and courses by following our Instagram page.
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